On the occasion of the 200 years since the arrival of the “Duchess most loved by the people of Parma”, the city of Parma offers a varied cultural offer dedicated to exploring the age of the Parma duchies and enhancing the territory: 16 exhibitions, 16 places and 16 themes, for a year of events in the name of Maria Luigia of Habsburg.
Precisely with this spirit of rediscovery and contemporary re-enactment of the undeniable historical, artistic and cultural influence of the Duchess, the Culture Department of the Municipality of Parma organizes and promotes the exhibition “In the temple of the Duchess between real and virtual. Maria Luigia, San Ludovico and the artists of Parma” among the exhibitions designed for the Maria Luigia 16 Project.
The aim of the exhibition is to recall the ancient layout of the ducal chapel of San Ludovico, reconsecrated in 1817 at the behest of Maria Luigia herself, who had a specially created canvas transferred there and commissioned numerous others, thus starting her patronage.
It will be possible to admire for the first time the paintings just restored by the Municipality of Parma, Christ crucified by Giocondo Viglioli and The Virgin of Sorrows by Bernardino Riccardi, and the ancient structure of the Church through its virtual reconstruction, using the innovative ARtGlass technology ® which, thanks to latest generation viewers, makes it possible to enjoy cultural heritage through Augmented Reality.
“This exhibition – began the Councilor for Culture Laura Maria Ferraris at the time of the inauguration – is the result of philological research to enhance the city’s heritage, inserting a significant note of innovation. In particular, as an Administration, we wanted to return to a public dimension some works of art previously located inside the Municipal Palace, the beauty of which is now, as it should be, available to all citizens”.
It was the curator of the exhibition Alessandro Malinverni who explained in detail the genesis of the exhibition and its contents.
Satisfaction was also expressed by Antonio Scuderi of ARtGlass®, who highlighted how the application of new technologies, especially if simple and immediate like Augmented Reality and combined with the use of new languages, can be an effective tool for approaching new audiences to cultural heritage and territories.
Carlo Mambriani, delegate of the University for the Maria Luigia project, underlined the significant role of the University “especially in terms of consultancy to reconstruct and recreate a place, like San Ludovico, which now has different appearances and characteristics, interacting with new applications multimedia available”.
To conclude the inauguration, the mayor Federico Pizzarotti spoke, praising the exhibition as an opportunity for exchange between traditional and innovative art. “We must be – said the Mayor – the first promoters of the beauties of our city. Many entities have teamed up around the Maria Luigia project and we need this to remind us where we come from and where we are going.”
From 15 October to 27 November 2016
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
10.00 – 17.00.
Saturday, Sunday and holidays:
10.30am – 6.30pm.